Monday, December 13, 2021

Chromatic Shadows Faction: SENTINEL

A Lamp in the Dark 

The Sentinel network is small, and local, but its members are bound to a common cause: To find and protect people touched by the Weird, to keep watch for occult events and enemy factions, and to fight back. Many of its members are ex cyber-runners, who have defected from the life of exploitation and violence. Now they are hunted by their former employers. Sentinel has the infrastructure and resources to keep them safe.

  • There are safe houses throughout the sprawl. Medics, food banks, credit advances if needed. Places to lay low if the heat is on. Sentinel understands your obsession with the Weird, because they’ve gone through it too. They might not have the answers, but they’ve got  your back. They can help you talk to the right people and look in the right places. And when you’re ready, Sentinel is looking for street operators like you to push back against the darkness.
  • Sentinel’s agents are called upon to engage in covert acts of infiltration and retaliation against its occult enemies: namely the Megacorps, the Hand of Moloch & the Void Cult. Sentinel agents are scouts, spies, and sometimes soldiers. They must be prepared for activation and ready to run investigation and information gathering operations on a moment’s notice. 
  • This information is passed along to Sentinel leadership, and sometime that’s enough. But many times, heavy operators are called to upon to take direct, violent action. These agents delve straight into the heart of the occult machinery--to take out a black site, a secret lab, or a cult infestation. Mission by mission, Sentinel pushed back against the enemy, spreading light in the dark corners of the Sprawl swallowed by the shadow war.
  • Sentinel must take pans to conceal its activities and protect its agents if it wants to survive. Sentinel organization works through local Sprawl or district based cells called a “Watch”, Each Watch has little to no communication between each other. Any information sharing is mediated by Sentinel leadership, an anonymous group known only as ‘The Parliament’. This decentralized network is the first line of defense against their enemies. It limits who or what any individual agent knows and shields the whole organization from reprisal, should they be found out. 
  • Watches are usually no more than a dozen or so loosely affiliated street operators in any given district. A  lieutenant known as the Wickie dispenses missions and investigations to individual agents, and channels information and field reports directly to the Parliament. As a rule, Wickies only ever interact with the Parliament within the Grid. Missions and information sharing is only done within secure node-constructs, and never at the same address twice.
  • The Parliament themselves appear as and heavily encrypted personas, with deep access to a vast data network, and some mastery over Grid architecture. Some speculate Parliament members might be highly placed corporate officers, acting as double agents. Others believe they aren’t human at all, but rather a group of powerful, sympathetic AI entities. Stranger still is the persistent rumor that the Parliament are in fact.the mind-networks of the original Matrix drift teams. They have awakened from their stasis vats, and are now secretly plotting to undermine the work of their captors.

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Presenting the "Fortress Estates", the latest entry in my ongoing "sprawl zone generator" series for Chromatic Shadows. ...