Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Sprawl Site Generator- CorpSec

The perverse jewel of corporate opulence at the elite heart of Metroplex. The CorpSec is a locus of human power on earth; a hyperelite ecosystem for the super-rich. Glittering chrome spires stab to the heavens, rising from a grid of concrete barriers and guarded security checkpoints. Cavernous luxury apartment suites look down to the miniature world below. Every luxury and pleasure known to man is here for the taking, if you can afford it. Those who can't seldem make it past the razor wire barricades.


Roll or choose elements from the following list of random tables to quickly generate varied sites within the CorpSec. Designed for Chromatic Shadows but compatible with any other cyberpunk/urban fantasy game.


Corporate Sector Random Tables

  1. Security Zone- Chainlink and razor wire buffer zone of redundant security checkpoints lead in and out of corp sec. Milispec officers command rigorous ID scanner verification hubs. Drones monitor from above. Vehicles are subject to thorough search by scan & sniffer bots.
  2. Lux Villages- Ultramodern glass and steel atriums connect by tube line elevators and transport hubs to cavernous subterranean “villages” filled with luxury restaurants, boutique stores and niche entertainment venues. A hangout spot for hyper rich teenagers.
  3. Corp Spires- Piercing steel and glass towers where the execs conduct business like gods within their boardrooms.
  4. Atrium Moderna- Glass pyramids and concrete rotundas filled with interactive AR installation art, and ultramodern sculpture.
  5. Nordic Tower- Massive vertical downhill ski resort and winter sports complex. Artificial snow all year round.
  6. Safari Acres- Menagerie with genetically regenerated extinct animals in a recreated environment. Cuddle a behaviorally modified tiger, or hunt a synthetic rhino.
  7. Cloud Casino- Luxury hotels and gambling tower complex perched high in the clouds. Glass and chrome spires interconnected by high speed tube elevators and a fleet of private gyrocopter livery cabs.
  8. Aquarium - Underwater luxury hotel suites built beneath the lake. Glass bubbles look out to artificial coral reefs swept in laser lights.
  9. Executive Suites- Soaring high above the district. Contains hundreds of open plan apartments and condos. Slanted cavernous ceilings with floor to ceiling glass windows.
  10. The Caverns- Multi-lane underground highway threading below corpsec. Connects to every major public or commercial parking area.
  11. The Cathedral- Soaring gothic edifice, behind tall metal fence. Old blackened stones reinforced with steel scaffolding, starkly contrast the hypermodern structures all around. Building is old, and in disrepair. Mostly ignored, and used for under attended religious services, and ironic photo ops.
  12. The Gardens- Sprawling multi-tiered complex of glass and steel tracery. Walkways wind through carefully manicured hydroponic gardens and park areas. Birds flutter about. Environment is climate controlled, roaring air scrubbers filter for atmospheric toxins.
  13. Gyrocab Livery Docks- Elevated concrete platforms where gyrocabs and gyrolimos launch and dock. Nearby garages where vehicles are parked between routes.
  14. The Arena- Massive stadium enclosed with faceted geodesic roof. 200 foot holoprojections above advertise the next corp sponsored concert or sports event.
  15. Micro Parking Unit- Retractable automated micro parking unit. Cars are pulled into small kiosk, where service unit rises from underground area. Robotic arms slide cars into storage slots, that are then lowered back into the ground.
  16. Hospital- Sprawling ultra modernist city block sized complex. Organic shaped buildings interconnected by numerous glass elevator tubes,bridges and automated walkways. Punctuated with large faceted domes and twisting lozenge shaped towers.
  17. Construction Site- City block cordoned off with fencing. Massive partially built skyscraper, draped with scaffolding. Cranes tower above. Crab drones scuttle up and down the height carrying construction material in their pincers.
  18. Police Barrack- City block sized brutalist structure. Composed of concrete slabs and wedges cut with slatted windows and skylights. Massive atrium of bulletproof glass emits a multistory holoprojection of the rotating “police shield” outward toward the public.
  19. The Canals- Artificial waterways carve through the hotel district. Numerous narrow bridges cross over them. Luxury gondola drones drift past schools of designer koi fish. At night the laser buoys are lit, filling the waters with pulsing neon light.
  20. Waterfront Village- Dome enclosed park-habitat, restaurants, and ultra modernist performing art center

Structural Qualities

  1. Brutalist concrete slab
  2. Steel web tracery
  3. Twisting geometric
  4. Multi tiered ziggurat
  5. Narrow piercing spire
  6. Suspension bridge
  7. Faceted glass/ crystal
  8. Mirrored chrome
  9. Pure marble
  10. Extruded concrete modules
  11. Geometric relief ornamentations
  12. Translucent tiles that modulate color


  1. Contracting crew on robotic scaffolding
  2. Fashion shoot. Exotic models posing on a nearby architectural detail. Drone camera swarms hovering nearby.
  3. Convoy of black cars with tinted glass, heavily armed security detail scanning area
  4. Outdoor political rally or fundraiser. Gathered crowd around a pop up stage. AR/ holographic projections towering overhead.
  5. Parties dining in glass booths suspended above the street.
  6. Large pack of tethered dogs being led along sidewalk by several hovering scooper-drones
  7. Nannies pushing high tech baby pods (anti-grav, A/V augmented climate controlled acrylic bubble)
  8. Landing module/ package delivery kiosk for courier drones.
  9. Protesters crowded outside barricades, squaring off against riot cops
  10. Medical team responding to emergency
  11. Paramilitary police unit blocking area, checking ID signatures
  12. Pedestrians in personal inflatable bubbles

Cyberpunk Textures

  1. Projection screen mounted to the side of a multistory building advertising plastic surgery
  2. Atmospheric sheltering kiosk for emergency oxygen and air filtration
  3. Solar panels cover a city block/ roof of building
  4. Drone surveillance in slow synchronized formation
  5. Towering 3D hologram advertising projections
  6. 1000 foot telecom tower built upon nearby concrete pad/ roof of building. Lights blink through the smog above.
  7. Colossal modernist sculpture. Slowly gyrating/ kinetic elements
  8. Glass enclosed automatic sidewalks/ self-climbing stairs
  9. Retractable access doors leading to underground area
  10. High speed tube elevators along side of building
  11. Helocopter pad
  12. Light module, blasting a thick beam of colored laser into the night

Monday, December 13, 2021

Chromatic Shadows Faction: SENTINEL

A Lamp in the Dark 

The Sentinel network is small, and local, but its members are bound to a common cause: To find and protect people touched by the Weird, to keep watch for occult events and enemy factions, and to fight back. Many of its members are ex cyber-runners, who have defected from the life of exploitation and violence. Now they are hunted by their former employers. Sentinel has the infrastructure and resources to keep them safe.

  • There are safe houses throughout the sprawl. Medics, food banks, credit advances if needed. Places to lay low if the heat is on. Sentinel understands your obsession with the Weird, because they’ve gone through it too. They might not have the answers, but they’ve got  your back. They can help you talk to the right people and look in the right places. And when you’re ready, Sentinel is looking for street operators like you to push back against the darkness.
  • Sentinel’s agents are called upon to engage in covert acts of infiltration and retaliation against its occult enemies: namely the Megacorps, the Hand of Moloch & the Void Cult. Sentinel agents are scouts, spies, and sometimes soldiers. They must be prepared for activation and ready to run investigation and information gathering operations on a moment’s notice. 
  • This information is passed along to Sentinel leadership, and sometime that’s enough. But many times, heavy operators are called to upon to take direct, violent action. These agents delve straight into the heart of the occult machinery--to take out a black site, a secret lab, or a cult infestation. Mission by mission, Sentinel pushed back against the enemy, spreading light in the dark corners of the Sprawl swallowed by the shadow war.
  • Sentinel must take pans to conceal its activities and protect its agents if it wants to survive. Sentinel organization works through local Sprawl or district based cells called a “Watch”, Each Watch has little to no communication between each other. Any information sharing is mediated by Sentinel leadership, an anonymous group known only as ‘The Parliament’. This decentralized network is the first line of defense against their enemies. It limits who or what any individual agent knows and shields the whole organization from reprisal, should they be found out. 
  • Watches are usually no more than a dozen or so loosely affiliated street operators in any given district. A  lieutenant known as the Wickie dispenses missions and investigations to individual agents, and channels information and field reports directly to the Parliament. As a rule, Wickies only ever interact with the Parliament within the Grid. Missions and information sharing is only done within secure node-constructs, and never at the same address twice.
  • The Parliament themselves appear as and heavily encrypted personas, with deep access to a vast data network, and some mastery over Grid architecture. Some speculate Parliament members might be highly placed corporate officers, acting as double agents. Others believe they aren’t human at all, but rather a group of powerful, sympathetic AI entities. Stranger still is the persistent rumor that the Parliament are in fact.the mind-networks of the original Matrix drift teams. They have awakened from their stasis vats, and are now secretly plotting to undermine the work of their captors.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Chromatic Shadows Faction- THE VOID CULT

A Ravenous Darkness draws close, hovering in a spiraling iris. Eldritch energies hemorrhage through the wounds in reality made by man's hubris. The change has begun—prepare the crooked path. Those who usher its coming will be rewarded, and transformed. Every one else is a tool to be exploited or an obstacle to be destroyed.

A Corrupting Influence

Void Cult cells infect the sprawl like a malignant wound, their corruption spreads from the margins inward. The cult’s origin is shrouded in mystery--the member’s  identities and digital footprint are traceless. All attachments to the false world burned to cold cinders. With demonstrable power and dark prophetic authority, the Void Cult draws fanatical members into its ranks.

Claiming Nexus Points

Guided by hypnogogic omens, the Void Cult is spurned to seek out and claim Nexus Points—interstitial places in the sprawl where the skin of reality has worn thin. These sites are always tainted by some terrible trauma-- fallout from the Shadow War, a human tragedy, an environmental disaster. Here the cult performs rituals and hoards artifacts in order to commune with the Outside.

Artifact Hunters

The cult scours the sprawl for occult assets through their expanding secret networks. Artifact fragments and hypertech are relentlessly pursued, often in direct competition with the megacorps. The cult draws upon these artifacts to deepen their connection to the Outside, defend their territory and to destroy their enemies.

Eldritch Scars & Occult Gifts

Cult members are rewarded with Eldritch Scars—marks of favor from the Outside. The number of scars a cultist carries determines their rank within the hierarchy. Every initiated cultist carries a sign of corruption.  Black pits for eyes, boils that never heal, webbed hands, rubbery skin, shark-like teeth,  the pallor of the grave—these energies over time will overshadow a cultist, and subsume their humanity. A cultist gains a number of extra dice to all intimidation tests equal to their number of scars, and suffer an equal penalty to any tests involving empathy or appearance.

As cultist gains scars and rise within the hierarchy they also manifest “occult gifts”—terrifying powers fueled by the eldritch energies that permeate their being.

Dark Metamorphosis

Certain rare individuals are warped into something other than human. This “final gift” of the void,  is considered by the cult to be a true rebirth. A metamorphosis that brings them fully into the presence of the ravenous darkness.

Atavistic Saints

These “blessed ones” are atavistic cannibals, reduced to a state of perpetual hunger and alien malice. They never leave the nexus points. Blessed Ones are fanatically guarded by the flock, and continually gorged on the flesh of living victims. 


Cult Lairs

Void Cultists regard nexus points as sacred places to be defended at all cost. Nexus Points tend to be marginal spaces--buildings or underground spaces typically found in the Barrens or the Slags. As much as possible, the cult will live in these spaces. Acolytes sleep and eat in spartan, communal chambers, whereas the high priests claim private quarters.  The epicenter of outside energy is always reserved as the cult’s “inner sanctum”. These places become horrifying ritual chambers adorned with bleak, occult iconography. Here the gibbering “blessed ones” can be found skulking in the shadows near the bloodstained altars consecrated to blasphemous eldritch entities. The cult’s artifacts are held securely in these ritual chambers. Any given cult has between 1-3 minor or medium tier artifacts.


POSTULATES have no scars, and await full initiation. They don’t yet live at the Nexus Points, and their participation in the cult’s activities are limited until they have proven themselves. They still have identities and act as the necessary intermediary to the normal world that the cult has forsaken. (Postulates use any tier 3 or lower NPC stat block and have no Occult Gifts.)

ACOLYTES have 1-2 scars. They are the rank and file cult members, living in cenobitic community within the Nexus Points.They observe vows of silence and obedience, answering individually to the High Priest. Their lives follow a rigid pattern of ritual, work, &  meditation. Acolytes act as elite operatives of the cult when the need arises. Upon receiving their 3rd scar an acolyte is prepared for the priesthood, and the responsibility of founding their own cell. (Acolytes have 1 Occult gift.)
HIGH PRIESTS have 3-5 scars. They are the spiritual leaders of the cult, and the top of the hierarchy. They command the flock, lead the rituals, and have exclusive rights over any artifacts the cult may have acquired. (High Priests have 2-3 Occult gifts.)

BLESSED ONES have 6 or more scars, and have fully metamorphosed into bestial subhumans. They can not speak except in the tongue of the abyss, have little more than cunning animal intelligence, and suffer a perpetual cannibalistic hunger. They exist only to feast upon their victims, and worship at the black altar of their eldritch gods. (Blessed Ones have 4 occult gift.)


Roll or choose from the following table to determine the Eldritch Scars that warp the being of a Void Cult member. Use these scars as prompts to derive the final inhuman form that the cult’s Blessed Ones might take.

  1. Webbed hands
  2. Rubbery loose flesh
  3. Eyes like black pits
  4. Bestial double speech
  5. Needle like teeth
  6. Vestigial appendage
  7. Corpse-like pallor
  8. Balding in scabrous patches
  9. Tumorous growths/ postules
  10. Hands warped into talons or pincers
  11. Coarse black hair covers body
  12. Animalistic muzzle
  13. Long, ape-like arms
  14. Body slick with cold slime
  15. Patches of translucent skin
  16. Wriggling tubular growths
  17. Ridges and spines on  limbs and body
  18. Large tusks or fangs
  19. Lamprey mouth
  20. Extra fingers and toes



Presenting the "Fortress Estates", the latest entry in my ongoing "sprawl zone generator" series for Chromatic Shadows. ...