Saturday, February 29, 2020

Debauched Elf Nobility of Nosgoch

Remember back in the G+ days when everyone in OSR was writing up "weird elf" concepts? Well this was my induced-by-osmosis elf variant. A faction of  wicked, debased fae-nobles who lived in fading, luxurious decadence upon the Grande Steppe in the sprawling undercity of NOSGOCH. Inspired by Tudor court fashion, the Skeksis, and Vampire.


  • Social Outlook- Ancient, decadent elves, representing fading noble houses, squabble amongst themselves for social status. No elf has been born in centuries, so every living elf is centuries old, and at the very least, addled from years of debauchery- at worst, utterly insane. They are the single richest bloc in Nosgoch, although their influence is far less than it could be. Their insular nature, xenophobia inward looking traditions keep them isolated from much of the economic and political jockeying that occurs between the Guilds and the Tribunes. The elves much prefer to compete among themselves for social status determined through their baroque ball-pageants and sadistic parlor games.
  • Resources- Elves being nearly immortal, have accumulated a vast amount of wealth, through investment and savings. They are easily the wealthiest faction in Nosgoch, although they lack the political and social ambition of the other two. However, what they lack in outward action makes up for it in their vast amount of resources. They control much of the financial market, and own portions of almost every major new construction, including mining companies, etc. Few projects can be funded without the help of an elf-loan, and the elves make a tidy profit from the interest paid. The great bank of Nosgoch is elf-owned.
  • Noble Houses- The elves live upon the Grand Steppe. Each noble house inhabits a sprawling complex of towers, ballrooms, maze-like hallways connecting dozens of private chambers to hidden courtyards and fungus hedge mazes and gardens. The highest tower rooms are reserved for the eldest Fae, who are even more insular than the rest, spending almost all of their time devoted to the occult arts.
  • Fashion- The elves live in decadence unmatched. They wear the most ornate and decorative clothes and jewelry. The lack of functionality, utility, comfort etc. is considered a symbol of status. The more impractical, decorative, and ostentatious- the better (rings that disallow a hand to grasp an object, hats so large that they require servants to hold them upright).
  • Elf Servants- A houses status is reflected in the quality of servants kept. “Servant” is a generous term. “Slave” is a closer descriptor to what these unfortunates truly are. The elves universally employ Charm spells upon their servants, which not only keep them docile & compliant, but creates a great sense of love and devotion in the servant. Through years of magical conditioning this way, most servants have become so devoted, that even if the magic were to run out, it’s likely they would still willingly serve their masters. Rumors among the people of Nosgoch abound of family members who went to work for the elves, only to become a “different person” and never return. The elves have an especial fondness for halfling servants, and value their halfling servants more highly than the rest. They detest dwarves and never keep them around. Humans fill out the remaining ranks. Half elves are avoided for the scandal they would inevitably cause. The value the elves put upon their servants makes their parlor games, often played with servant proxies, that much more high-stakes. The loss of, or humiliation of a valuable servant is a painful blow to a House, and usually creates its own logistical difficulties in addition to the loss of social standing that accompanies the defeat. But “not playing” the games is certainly not an option.
  • Pathologies- The Elves of Nosgoch are of a debased genetic line. Having inbred for centuries, many have all developed certain psychological pathologies ranging from mild phobias to wild delusions. The elves are no longer able to bear children, and no one is quite certain why. The old scholars believe age or addiction to cave orchid may have a sterilizing effect- but this is just conjecture. Half-elven progeny are still born from time to time, usually the result of affairs between the elf nobles and human servants- but no full blooded elf has been born of elf-woman in over a century.
  • Elf Balls- The elf Nobility spend most of their days living in the private theater of their own egos. Their chief social custom is the Elf-Ball, and each noble house competes with one another in order to stage the most elaborate, surreal and immersive party as possible.These balls are so intricate, and the production cost and effort is so great, that they rarely go on for less than a 4-5 days at a time. A week is the average length of time that most significant balls might take. Some balls are staged to last as long as three weeks, with one noble’s event segueing into another’s. The elven ability to exist without sleep, and to quickly process alcohol and psychedelics allows for these hedons to exist in a perpetual state of immersive twilight.
  • Social Heirarchy- The party games that play out during the balls calibrate the social hierarchy of elf-nobility. Those who have poorly conceived costumes, or who perform poorly at the games, are kicked down the social ladder. The elves often will not compete themselves in the most dangerous games, but will use their servants as proxies. It’s quite common for the servants to be profoundly humiliated, injured and occasionally killed. Since an elf’s servant is essentially a stand in for the elf himself, if the servant suffers a catastrophic humiliation or death, it reflects poorly upon the elf. His peers begin to pivot against him, and his status among the Houses begins to slip. He might get conveniently ignored or excluded by the other houses, invited late to a ball. A stigmatized elf is in a desperate place, and will often take extraordinary measures to get back on the good foot. This usually includes backstabbing or sabotaging his peers' own standing in order to make them look worse off than themselves
  • Occultism- Occultism is rampant within these circles, and a major part of the elf-ball rituals. Cabals of summoners have long been involved in spirit summoning and binding. Seances and channelings, as well as liturgical/ ceremonial components are part of ball-culture. More serious occult endeavors occur in magicians private sanctums. The driving goal of almost all of elven occult inquiry and spirit summoning is to penetrate the secrets of Gysgodol.
  • The Spire- Gysgodal is the primary concern of the most ancient elf-scholars. They ascertain rightly that the spire is the primary source of power in Nosgoch. For centuries, these magicians have toiled with spells in order to unlock its secrets. They have made progress too, bypassing protective wards, and learning the rudiments of the rune-magic that powers the living engines of the whole city. The true extent of their knowledge is kept a careful secret. In fact, they encourage the younger elves to continue in their debauchery, as a useful smokescreen to the public, diverting their attention away from the eccentric House elders. If the elders can unlock the higher tiers or magic and open the inner sanctums of Gysgodol, they will have power far greater than any other faction in Nosgoch.

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