Wednesday, April 10, 2024


This is another entry in my ongoing "cyberpunk city" series, where I zoom in on one of the various Sprawl Zones from Chromatic Shadows and expand it into a full fledged "city-site generator tool". The following is written with Chromatic Shadows' particular flavor of cyberdystopia in mind, but can be easily slotted into any other cyberpunk or urban fantasy RPG. Enjoy!


  • At the boundary of Metroplex we find miles of colossal Arcology projects. These 100 story hulks take up the footprint of four city blocks, housing tens of thousands.
  •  The result of government and corporate city planning directed toward the problem of the unemployed poor, displaced at the Collapse. These souls spend their lives within stacked microhab living-cubes, subsisting on UBI.
  •   Each Arcology complex is its own self contained micro-city. At the center of each Arcology is a vertical “civic-hub" containing the essential  services of community life. Civic Hub contains  markets, recreation centers, education centers, and medical clinics. The bare necessities and basic needs of life are met.
  • The social strata of arcology life is determined by one's "social credit rating" (SoCred). Certain "community-building" activities such as civic programs, athleticism, health hygiene, volunteer work, regular blood donation, and ratting out your "individualistic" neighbors can earn one an increased  SoCred Rating. Get it high enough and you might earn yourself a state-of-the-art MicroHab, and extra time in the Interface. 
  • Citizens whose SoCred Rating has dropped too low or reached zero, are considered "untouchable", and shunned from society. They are forcibly removed from communal life and made to live in the lower level arcology "ghettos" sharing sub-par MicroHabs, and laboring in the waste reclamation centers. They are not allowed to mix with normal citzens, and their negative SoCred rating is always visible in AR as a stigma.
  • Because life in the arcologies can be grim, the social planners have created "The Interface", a large open room of private cubicles where citizens  communally "jack" into immersive VR "construct-simulations" for long hours. A citizens ongoing good SoCred Rating is rewarded with longer amounts of time in VR. The higher your rating, the more daily hours you can log. 
  •  Many people actually spend their "interface" time doing “virtual-work” to earn "simcreds" that can be used to purchase VR upgrades, skins, mods and various other digital assets.
  •  Those born in the arcologies have little to no concept of life outside. Few leave. But populations are in decline. Infertility seems to be an emerging concern. Whole wings are emptying out. Some Arcs have gone completely dark with no explanation, and are now permanently sealed off from the outside world.
  • Traveling from an arcology is a difficult bureaucratic process. Applications must be made in advance and approved by the managerial board, who may issue a temporary passport. Violating the terms of the application, or being caught committing a crime is grounds for the revocation of UBI, and arc citizenship.. Furthermore, travel outside is discouraged via arc propaganda directed toward health and safety issues. Arcology citizens are taught that the outside world is filled with contagious pathogens, and dangerous toxic agents.
  • Arcology "education centers" indoctrinate the young in propaganda and teach the skills necessary to maintain the social order. General education is transmitted via SimStim and AI. At 16, students are algorithmically selected for a specific area of labor-specialization. 
  • Most students simply slip into basic labor jobs, where their aptitudes are lined with the needs of the collective -- horticulture, plumbing, electric, solar cell assembly, construction, etc. More advanced students are trained in specialized careers such as electrical engineering or medicine. Wages are typically flat regardless of position. There is little variation in on UBI dole from one "job" to the next.
  • Arcology schools also screen select candidates  to elevate into the ranks of "arc management". Top students are placed into preparatory programs, where they can be groomed for  bureaucratic positions among the elite class.
  • The managerial elite are rewarded with an upper middle-class lifestyle in their own separate "luxury villages". They have spacious high-end apartments, servants, high quality food, quality entertainment, and the freedom to come and go as they wish. Management are tasked to reinforce the status quo at every level. The arcologies must run like an efficient machine. Anything that would compromise this process must be swiftly and decisively dealt with.


  1. Pipe-works: Massive sublevel dominated by a network of interconnected pipes and ductworks. Multi level catwalks run beside them for maintenance access. Massive pumps draw fresh water from aquifers far below. Fresh water pipes feed municipal plumbing. Waste water is collected and recycled for crops and coolant.
  2. Algae pools: vast complex of algae pools grown and harvested for nutrition. It is dried and milled as green "vegetable"-flakes. A primary dietary staple.
  3. Weevil farms: long trenches of liquid spawning media filled with wriggling grubs. Used as a high yield, high protein food source.
  4. Catwalks: complicated latticework of balconies, ladders, walkways and bridges connecting MicroHab village levels.
  5. MicroHab villages: endless honeycomb living cells perforate the concrete walls , running up hundreds of stories. Grouped into "village" clusters. Each has its own massive wraparound balcony, and multiple access elevators.
  6. Elevators: high speed glass and steel pods inset into shafts cut along the concrete walls. Connects to main catwalks levels and MicroHab villages.
  7. Labor pavillion. large district of  warehouses subdivided into various job-specific production facilities. Citizens work here during the day at labs, workshops, robot assisted factories, and assembly lines.
  8. Fitness centers: multileveled atrium of fitness machines and strength training devices to maximize health ,and physical well being. Overhead holo-screens and hidden speakers pipie inspirational pop music. Personal devices monitor vitals and broadcast them directly to a communal database. A healthy citizen makes for a happy and healthy community!
  9. Med wards: hospitals, surgery, and various health clinics. Biotech services are underfunded with long wait times for specialist visits and surgery. Priority given to citizens with the highest SoCred rating. 
  10. Crematorium/ mausoleum: when the health care system fails, the next stop is the crematorium. Bodies are incinerated in high temperature blast ovens, and the remains are mixed into solid concrete cylinders. These are placed into a "remembrance slot" in one of the public mausoleums. Mourning is discouraged, but the dead are collectively remembered in an annual civic ceremony.
  11. Prisons: in the deepest sublevels there are rumored black cells where the worst criminals and social deviants are locked away forever. 
  12. SoCred Ghettoes: In the lower levels,  SoCred pariahs forced to live in bleak, squalid conditions, sealed away from the wider community. Their MicroHabs are cell-like with old and unmaintained amenities, living double normal occupancy. There is no CivicHub in the ghetto, just a hardscrabble life of labor and hardship. Riots regularly erupt, but armed drones and security officers keep things from spiraling out of control.
  13. The Sewer: runs beneath the arcology collecting, waste in a series of interconnected ducts and tunnels. Solids are collected and chemically treated in silos and waste water facilities, cooked in great steel hoppers, and processed into fertilizer.
  14. The Interface:a vast warehouse filled with row after row of white "VR ready" kiosks. Each cubicle has a nerocowl hadwired to a jackpoint in the center of a plastic desk. Arc citizens are here at all hours jacked into VR, slouched in catatonia, experiencing some far-flung digital fantasy world.
  15. Education Centers: circular multi-tiered lecture hall, AI powered interactive holoprojectors over central floor. Hardwired neurocowls for VR immersion and data slates at every student work-station.
  16. Tube tram station: numerous small bubble structures and shelters at key stops along the tram line
  17. Markets: spartan concrete buildings with the most basic amenities, and personal products.
  18. Recreation centers: public areas for social games, children's playgrounds, and parks.
  19. Enrichment centers: what passes for art galleries, concert halls, and the cinema n the arcologies. Media is carefully curated by arc management so as to not engender any anti-social thoughts, or private yearnings for the outside world.
  20. The Loop: a network of gated freight transport roads leading beneath the arcology. Outside trucks and materials are regularly driven through a series of underground streets connecting to cargo lifts, warehouse loading docks and construction sites.



  1. Water dripping from some overhead pipe like rain.
  2. Billowing steam from ventilation grates.
  3. Rust scabbed steel slabs.
  4. Looming concrete angles overhead.
  5. Tiny inset windows, beams of sunlight cutting through to floor.
  6. Concealed steel security stairwell leading to another level.
  7. Throbbing hum of massive shielded machinery vibrating floor.
  8. Enormous rotating ventilation fans.
  9. Vast opening into an empty concrete atrium. Birds nesting along the walls burst into flight
  10. Network of cables, pipes and ductwork running up the walls.
  11. Steel cage service elevator.
  12. Tube tram, electric tracks inset into concrete walkway.
  13. Abandoned construction, unfinished microhabs perforate walls, cranes looming overhead. 
  14. Bright orange security scaffolding covering nearby wall.
  15. Crawler delivery drones with parcel.
  16. Small fleet of drone operated auto-rickshaws.
  17. Concrete walkway bridge over fog filled crevasse
  18. Narrow maze like corridors lit with red security lights.
  19. Large managerial entourage with armed security detail.
  20. Vast open tunnels pour water into a deep drainage cistern. The tunnels lead into deep darkness. 

Earn SoCred for the Interface!

  1. Through athleticism and participation in team sports!
  2. Working overtime at the labor centers!
  3. Clean living, healthy diet, scoring high on annual physical exam!
  4. Participating in good citizenship programs and volunteer work!
  5. Voluntary sterilization!
  6. Organ donation, giving blood!
  7. Informing on your suspicious neighbor!
  8. Conversion therapy for those antisocial thoughts!
  9.  Never exceeding your daily recommended caloric intake!
  10. Convincing an elderly to euthanize!


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Presenting the "Fortress Estates", the latest entry in my ongoing "sprawl zone generator" series for Chromatic Shadows. ...