Friday, April 30, 2021


Dangerous digital sentinals guard megacorporate data vaults deep within the Matrix. Here is a generator to quickly determine what fearful form these Intrusion Countermeasures take. For use with Chromatic Shadows and other cyberpunk games.


  1. Wolf/ hyena/ panther
  2. Swarm of bees/ hornets/ locusts
  3. Bladed orb
  4. Armored knight
  5. Shifting geometric shapes
  6. Snake
  7. Spiders/ scorpion/ crab
  8. Shark/ piranha
  9. Cloud of blades
  10. Ball of energy
  11. Skeletal warriors
  12. Flying skulls
  13. Predatory birds
  14. Squid/ octopus
  15. Harpy
  16. Wyvern
  17. Spectral apparition
  18. Angel
  19. Demon/ imp
  20. Virus/ spore


  1. Crackling/ pulsing energy
  2. Icy cold
  3. Wreathed in/ made of flame
  4. Void blackness
  5. Faceted mirror
  6. Prismatic/ rainbow
  7. Erupting spikes/ thorns
  8. mass of nanites/ nodules/ sparkling dust
  9. Liquid quicksilver/ chrome
  10. Dense black smoke
  11. Riveted iron
  12. Veined stone
  13. Blazing/ blinding light
  14. Pulsing circuitry
  15. Fractal shapes/ angles
  16. Gold
  17. Diamond/ crystal
  18. Mechanical/ robotic/ clockwork

Thursday, April 29, 2021


At the heart of the Shadow War, the megacorps struggle to control eldritch artifacts and hypertech devices known as Occult Assets. Billions of credits and thousands of lives have been lost in pursuit of this power. Any megacorp that unlocks these secrets, and spins them into a global commodity, will dominate their rivals. Here are several random tables and prompts to create Occult Assets for Chromatic Shadows, my in-progress weird cyberpunk RPG.



  1. Salvaged from original Lunar mining expedition
  2. Recovered/ reverse engineered from crashed alien craft
  3. Plundered from Antarctic/ Lemurian/ Atlantean ruins
  4. Obtained within crashed meteorite
  5. Claimed from interdimensional portal
  6. Created by another esoteric device


  1. Cylinder/ rod
  2. Sphere/ prolate spheroid
  3. Prism/ crystal/ platonic solid
  4. Cube/ box/ tablet
  5. Pyramid/ Cone
  6. seed/ spore/ egg
  7. Disk/ lozenge
  8. Shell (1.nautilus, 2. snail, 3. clam, 4. conch, 5. oyster, 6. scallop)
  9. Vessel (bowl/ chalice/ vase/ pyx)
  10. U-shaped/ torus/ tesseract
  11. Body part (1.head/skull, 2.fist/ hand, 3. arm, 4.brain, 5. heart/ kidney, 6.spine 7. Large tooth 8.phallus 9.breast 10.oriface [mouth/anus/vagina])
  12. Combination of 1d3 above elements


  1. Meteoric metal/ mineral/ graphite/ carbon
  2. Living thing: animal/ plant/ fungi/ hybrid
  3. crystalline/ glass/ diamond
  4. amber/ resin/ plastic
  5. Quivering flesh/ Teratomic mass of eyes, hair and teeth
  6. Thick foam, can be twisted and deformed, but returns to original shape
  7. Ice that never melts
  8. Carved bone/ ivory/ wood/ coral/ chitin/ cartilage
  9. Ceramic/ porcelain/ marble
  10. Granules/ particles/ nanites/ tiny organisms
  11. Covered in/ composed of oily tar/ slime
  12. Simulation/ hologram/ VR construct


  1. Non-solid/ energy/ holographic projection/ kinetic state/ void substance
  2. web/ net/ mesh/ lace
  3. Highly complex interwoven circuitry that lights & flashes along pathways
  4. Pulsing crude machine, made of disparate/ old/ patchwork components
  5. Golden gears/ wheels/ clockwork
  6. Encrusted in jewels/ gems/ pear/ mirrored facets
  7. Bundle or pattern of component shapes/ nodules/ elements
  8. Lattice/ bundle of fibers/ rods
  9. husk/ exoshell/ carapace
  10. Nano-thin surface composition


  1. Pulsing with inner light
  2. Conforms/ covers/ flows over any objects that it touches
  3. Contains portal/ peepholes to alien/ cosmic vistas
  4. Filled with liquid/ gas flowing in a coriolis system
  5. Surface reflects the viewer/ surroundings at different age/ gender/ past or future state/ dead or decaying
  6. Rapidly moving through cycle of creation & decay
  7. Covered in soft pink cilia that reacts when touched
  8. Vanta black type surface, absorbs all light. Comes off on fingers, but fades in 1d6 rounds
  9. Mechanisms moving & rearranging component shapes
  10. Perpetually slick/ sticky with slime/ oil/ tar
  11. Emits a soft resonant pitch/ hum
  12. Sound of low muttering voices comes from it
  13. Temperature fluctuates from warm to icy cold
  14. Crackles and arcs with blue energy
  15. Quivvers/ pliant/ sensually reactive when touched
  16. Glowing soupy fluid-- murky images coalesce below surface
  17. Radiates unapproachable light/ requires black out goggles to a view
  18. Sprouts hair/ scales/ feathers
  19. Sweating/ excreting/ discharging substance
  20. Budding/ blooming fungi/ flower/ simple organisms

Warps Reality via...

  1. Forces (fire, electricity, nuclear, temperature, gravity, magnetism, time)
  2. Space (connections between places/ locations, inside vs outside space)
  3. Consciousness (senses, dreams, mind, visions, hallucinations, compulsions, emotion)
  4. Psychic phenomenon (ESP, telepathy, telekinesis, remote viewing, clairvoyance, prophecy, precognition)
  5. Manipulation of the digital realm (AI Daemon, AR/ Matrix/ Cloud architecture)
  6. Occult powers/ magic/ sorcery
  7. Spirits/ hauntings/ ghosts/ poltergeists
  8. Physical matter (natural and artificial substance)
  9. Life (human biology, animals & plant life)
  10. Void (interdimensional portals, eldritch beings/ outsiders/ alien beings)

How is it being exploited/ accelerated?

  1. Installed within a machine/ device/ process to amplify effect
  2. In a neurodrift network with a group of human/ animal subjects
  3. External energy source interacting with it
  4. Used/ amplified within occult ritual
  5. Being fused with subject via Direct Neural Interface pathways
  6. Gestating inside an artificial womb/ vat/ or within a human/ animal/ plant matrix
  7. Host subject infused with device’s energy/ physicality. Subject’s biological/ psychological/ genetic structures being rewritten/ altered.
  8. Used as antennae/ energy source/ amplifier/ interface for external hypertech
  9. Interacting/ influencing subjects in a VR construct/ simulation
  10. Interfaced with outside entity/ AI Daemon/ eldritch being/ spirit

Asset Power Level

  1. Individual person. Self or another.
  2. Group of people/ building
  3. community/ city block
  4. Neighborhood
  5. Sprawl zone/ district
  6. Large swath of sprawl encompassing several zones

Asset Design Considerations/ Systems

  • Occult Assets are extraordinarily powerful, valuable, and highly contested. The megacorps fight their Shadow War over them, and will spare no expense in their recovery. Major events within the game world revolve around them. They do not fall casually into the hands of PCs. If and when the do, the game world is always shaken up by this change in power dynamic.
  • Occult Assets embody the Weird. Not only do they possess raw power, but they disrupt established reality and the status quo. The corps can barely hold them in check. These devices as a rule, cannot be predicted with total accuracy, cannot be mastered, and resist total comprehension. They are often at once obscenely powerful and totally absurd. A device’s true origins and purpose defy any easy answer.
  • They typically have a single primary effect, and several secondary effects, that may contradict, or complicate its use. Using an occult asset is never straightforward, and often comes at the price of a difficult tradeoff, or side effect.
  • Using an occult asset in any way  has an ambient and cumulative effect on it's environment. The 'weird' rubs off on local reality. It affects existence (especially people, animals & plants) in subtle, but unmistakable ways. Its not uncommon for individuals who are unaffected by an asset's direct or indirect effects to still have strange dreams, or to manifest subtle psychic abilities, or compulsions. Animals might be disturbed, or manifest uncanny intelligence. Plants might grow abundantly exhibit strange mutations or not grow at all.
  • An Occult Asset may require specific ‘in-game’ routines to activate. There may be necessary words, gesture, rituals, codes, programs, energy sources, substances, configurations, arrangements, physical locations, sounds, etc. that must be satisfied in order to ‘unlock’ a device’s power. These routines may or may not be obvious to a would be user, and their discovery might be its own separate mission.


Presenting the "Metroplex" entry in my ongoing "Cyberpunk City Generator" series for Chromatic Shadows. Use the tables ...