Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 A few elements from my "City of Calyx" fantasy campaign I've been working on. It's in the acid-fantasy/ dying earth genre, inspired by projects like Planet Algol, Carcosa, and Lizard Man Diary's "Iron Rib Peninsula". Hoping to drop more content as it comes.
Art by Roger Dean

The Grass Elves of Callio 

Every seventeen years, clutches of grass elf hunters from the village of Callio, venture out onto Alizarin Steppe in search of giant cicada nymphs. On clear nights, under the canopy of stars and the light of the recurring comet Aolothuwee, the clutch matriarch trained in the ways of soil tasting, samples her way across the dusty shelf. She stops at the tell tale sign: a salty acid brine mixed with the taste of honey and ammonia on the tongue. The team is signaled and begin to dig. Just below the surface is a deposit of golden jelly- an excretion produced from the nymph's neck glands prior to the act of molting. The elves take care to scoop every drop of this rare medicinal delicacy into clay vessels.  The clutch then begins loosening soil, digging out in a ten food ring from the deposit. Not far below, the great nymph lies burrowed and sleeping. It’s golden head a yard across with black saucer eyes the size of mans head. Its monstrous ribbed body lies buried below. If aroused, it could awaken in a fury.  An elf poisoner is lowered down to the nymph. She draws a long hollow reed loaded with a dose of paralytic moon lotus water, slips it into the exposed crease beneath the gland, and blows. Once sedated, the nymph is then drawn out with ropes, tied down upon a sturdy pallet, and born away by the troupe toward its final destination: The Grand Ampulla of Calyx.

The Painted Ascetics of Calyx

In the tent village at the base of Calyx, the Painted Ascetics worship the “the Father of Ten Thousand Forms”. They draw spirals and eyes upon their naked bodies with an intoxicating paste in order to commune with his "singing presence". Tattered fabric tents and prayer flags emblazoned with elder signs flutter in the desert wind. Day and night, thick clouds of incense & burning sage rise and commingle with the sound of sonorous chanting.

The blue ghost centipede is at the center of the cult of the Ascetics. When ground into a paste, eaten, snorted or ingested through the skin it provides an addictive euphoria & manifests unpredictable psychic phenomena. Prolonged eating stains the teeth, tongue, gums, and face a shade of deep indigo. Eventually the ascetic's vocal cords become paralyzed and they lose the faculty of speech. Some speculate, however, that cultists who reach this advanced level have no need for speech, having mastered the gift of telepathy.

 The Arcanum of Calyx

No merchant of Calyx dares park his stall in the shadow of the Arcanum, for fear of the demon-sworn magi that dwell within. The Arcanum appears as a matte black hexagonal tower rising 60 feet above the busy market district--each of its sides emblazoned with great silver sigils that slowly change over the course of the day. The Arcanum is doorless and windowless, with no apparent way in or out. Calyx's magi dwell here, and study their occult formulae in sworn secrecy. The wizards are given a wide birth at the market. They can be seen in their black silk robes wordlessly collecting exotic regents from terrified vendors, only to vanish suddenly from sight. Accessing the college is a feat only the mad would dare. It is said that at on certain nights at sunset, on the western wall, a riddle written in silver script can be seen, catching the last light of the setting sun. If the correct answer is written in chalk upon the wall, before the sun sets, a magical door is said to appear granting access. When the sun slips below the horizon, the riddle and the door are lost.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

100 Knacks for B/X D&D

I cooked up this Knack system some time ago, and have been using it to good effect in my ongoing OSE campaign. It provides a simple approach to skills while adding flavor and customization to character backgrounds and level progression.

Art by Larry Elmore

Character Knacks are a modular sub-system for B/X D&D (and various retroclones), and fills the niche that skills might take in other games (also compatible with my Character Boons subsystem). The purpose of Knacks is to provide more varied options when leveling up, to give the character a small numerical bump with related tasks, and to speak a little to the character's personality, background and interests. Although the utility and power of a Knack are somewhat limited and specific, I tend to give my players broad ground to argue for their application.


A Knack is a minor skill, hobby, or area of knowledge. They are always narrow in scope, non-combat oriented, and can’t take the place, or reproduce another class ability. If your Knack can be plausibly applied to a (non-combat) related ability check (or x in 6 test), the GM may award a small bonus to the dice roll (typically +1, +2, or advantage). 

Knacks can be created by the player, selected from the big list below, or rolled randomly on a d100. If the GM agrees, a Knack may be taken twice, granting superior expertise in the field. Each character starts with 1 Knack, and gains another every two levels (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, etc). 


1. Fire Building

21. Herbalism

41. Scribe

61. Grave Digging

81. Geography

2. Rope Tricks

22. Leathercraft

42. Gardening

62. Archivist

82. Predict Weather

3. Direction Sense

23. Barber

43. Investigation

63. Taxidermy

83. Wayfinder

4. Cooking

24. Brewer

44. Appraisal

64. Torturer

84. Occult Lore

5. Carpentry

25. Seduction

45. Gem Cutting

65. Makeup Artist

85. Architecture

6. Painting & Drawing

26. Intimidation

46. Stone Mason

66. Apothecary

86. Engineering

7. Musical Talent

27. Disguise

47. Fortune Telling

67. Folklore

87. Drinking

8. Hunting

28. Legerdemain

48. Dancing

68. Philosophy

88. Holding Breath

9. Plant Lore

29. Card Games

49. Perfumer

69. Theology

89. Inspiring Oratory

10. Animal Lore

30. Etiquette

50. Horse Riding

70. Natural Science

90. Rhetoric

11. Animal   Handling

31. Fashion

51. Chess

71. Midwifery

91. Lip Reading

12. Tailor

32. Ventriloquism

52. Pottery

72. Mimicry

92. Acting

13. Haggling

33. Juggling

53. Metallurgy

73. Comedy

93. Subterfuge

14. Blacksmith

34. Bureaucracy

54. Improvised Devices

74. Animal Traps

94. Foraging

15. Boatcraft

35. Medicine

55. Forging Documents

75. Escape Artist

95. Swimming

16. Fishing

36. Boyer/ Fletcher

56. Poet

76. Iron Stomach

96. Empathy

17. Basket   Weaving

37. Beekeeping

57. Astronomy

77. Dowsing

97. Light Sleeper

18. Cobbler

39. Whittling

58. Competitive


78. Throwing Objects

98. Politics

19. Detecting Lies

40.Tattoo Artist

59. Jeweler  

79. Court Decorum

99. Double Jointed

20. Cartography

41. Puppeteer

60. Mathematics

80. Monster Lore

100. Ambidextrous


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Sacrifice for the Bearded God

In Limnus Vale, a mountain deity is more and less than he seems! A short adventure full of produce theft, art supplies, hallucinogens, horny wizards, traps, puzzles, questionable child care, and riddles all inside a giant stone head.

The adventure is written for Old School Essentials, but is more or less compatible with any edition of D&D, old or new.  Take a look at my previous entries in this series for more information on the setting: The Village of Poddle, Ruined Limnus Encounters & The Ruined City of Limnus.


  • Lola, the town matron of the halfling village of Poddle, owns a substantial vegetable farm. A large storage barn sits on her property.  
  • Like all Poddle farmers, she has been preparing cartfuls of produce for Lord Grunewold’s thuggish tax collectors. The brutes are bound to be by any day to collect “The Lord’s Due”, the monthly tithe paid in a cartload of produce.
  • This morning Lola awoke to a terrible discovery. The previous night, her barn had been inexplicably raided of provisions, and her elderly sheepdog Princess Saucy was found dead lying in front of the closed and locked barn door. There is no sign of forced entry anywhere. All of the doors and windows are securely locked.
  • Lola is in a panic that she won’t be able to pay her due, and fears the punishment awaiting her.


  • Her barn has been the first target of a kobold raid upon the town-- not from above, but from below. Utilizing the natural tunnels beneath Poddle, a small band of Kobolds have dug an access chute directly beneath Lola’s barn in order to rob her.
  • Under the cover of night they snuck in, and emptied the store of vegetables, and shuttled them down the tunnels to a hiding hole in the nearby woods.
  • The intention of this theft, is to provide an acceptable offering to the terrible mountain deity, known as The Bearded God.


  • In the bushes directly below a high barn window (locked from the inside) is a small leather phial containing a few grains of powder (ground graveroot).
  • It was accidentally dropped by one of the Kobolds as they were feeding Princess Saucy poisoned meat from the window to keep her from barking.
  • The dog’s tongue is blackened from the graveroot.
  • Several bright blue mushrooms scattered inside the barn.
  • The odor of bitter animal musk hangs in the air. The kobolds slather themselves in giant insect secretions in order to travel the tunnels unmolested. The odor lingers.
  • Below loose floor boards, a woven mat of leaves covnceals a 3’ hole in the ground. The hole drops 6’ and joins a network of natural tunnels running beneath town.
  • Random vegetable scraps and three toed footprints following a northward tunnel.
  • 150’ north of the drop is an east-west intersection. 10’ down the eastern hole, a spike can be seen hammered into the tunnel wall with bits of organ meat still clinging to it. Here the kobolds hammered a dead raccoon to distract the bugs (just in case) that lair further down the intersecting sub-tunnels.
  • Any loud activity in the main shaft may rouse their attention, and the party will have to contend with 2 hungry Fire beetles in narrow quarters.


  • The northern tunnel eventually exits out into the forest outside of town. Kobold tracks (and vegetable droppings) follow a narrow footpath leading to a deadfall.
  • Searching the deadfall reveals a concealed pit. Inside is the cache of halfling food stuffed into sacks. The Kobolds stashed this stuff the night before, and plan on returning shortly to deliver their offering to their god.
  • If the PC’s wait long enough they will hear shrill whispers & approaching footsteps. Three spindly Kobolds in ragged hooded cloaks approach. If attacked they will promptly surrender.


Nukk- Blue scales, has a necklace of mouse skulls and shiny rocks, is eating a bag of blue fungus, blue teeth and gums.

Fung- Green scales, wearing a hat that is literally a decomposing possum tied to his head.

Jibjib- Rusty brown scales, a tattered halfling sweater and a long walking stick with a large dead bull frog nailed to it-which he licks nervously.


  • A few miles away a series of concealed caves along a rock face, opens into the Kobolds primary warren.
  • A harem of 5 females remain there guarding several eggs and 6 younglings. The females will not fight unless their eggs or younglings are threatened. If the males are aware that their den is being threatened, they are likely to respond with inept violence.


  • These kobolds are cowards, and are easily pressed into telling their story. Jibjib explains that they are stealing this food not for themselves, but for the “Bearded God”, who threatens them and their eggs if they do not provide a sacrifice. Jibjib found the God shortly after they were evicted by Chief Lork from their old warren to the east, and forced into these nearby hills.
  • One evening, Jibjib came upon a stone stairway that ran up a cliffside and led to a boulder strewn landing. He squeezed through the wreck of a fallen arch into a hidden cove, set back within a cleft of rock. Against the far wall of the cove stood a colossal stone statue of a great bearded head. Jibjib was so frightened he ran off, and came back with his brothers.
  • It was then the bearded god spoke with a voice like thunder and demanded its first sacrifice. A mother goat, by nightfall the next evening, or DOOM should befall all of them and their kin! When the goat was delivered the God spoke again--they must return in exactly one week with wool blankets and a bushel of apples or else... DOOM!
  • Every week they returned with the god’s sacrifice, but the God demanded more. Apples, potatoes, squash, chickens, pickles...anything they could steal from the halfling’s fields and sheds at night.
  • Realizing that there was growing danger in pursuing these requests, the kobolds soon began the project of tunneling beneath Poddle in order to make their theft more covert and efficient. Lola is simply the latest victim of their ongoing larceny.



  • The kobolds will lead the PC’s to the bearded god if asked, but will not willingly follow them up into the god’s clearing. The winding stone steps lead to a narrow foot path that squeezes through the wreck of a broken arch and into the hidden cove.
  • A 30’ statue of a crowned dwarf’s head sits upon a massive 6’ tall platform in the farthest end of the clearing.
  • Sheer cliff walls run up 150 feet on either side. Scrub grass and broken stone litter the ground.
  • Arched portal is cut into in the left walls of the cove, leading to shadowed alcove.  
  • Alcove is a low room, with natural columns of rock veined with sparkling black garnets.  Surrounds a 4' wide hole that drops down 25' to the Mud Pit area (see below). Smells of ammonia.
  • Edge of hole is covered with bat guano. Activity here attracts a swarm of bats.


  • The stone-head is in fact a hollow tower, and abode of the lazy wizard Psamathos.
  • Psamathos is short and fat, large red lips and a broad curly beard. He is happy to trick and swindle his way to a life of luxury, idle painting, and arcane dabbling.
  • He is endlessly amused at the kobolds stupidity, but has a somewhat practical reason for the kobold’s sacrifice. He is feeding a baby giant.
  • Psamathos discovered a baby Ettin in a cave some months ago, and decided to raise it in the basement of his lair as his loyal minion. Its growth rate has accelerated in recent months, requiring an increasing supply of food to satisfy its prodigious hunger.
  • The giant baby is quickly outgrowing its cage, but Psamathos hasn’t acted on this yet. He has been distracted by an ongoing love-affair with a beautiful woodland fae that he calls Calliope.
  • Calliopee is mute (or doesn’t talk) but they enjoy making love, drinking wine and eating the halflings food. Psamathos is also an energetic amateur artist, and spends hours sketching and painting his curvaceous muse. Dozens of lusty sketches are piled haphazardly about his lair.
  • Psamathos is phobic of outsiders and would rather flee than negotiate, but he’s no fool. He values his life and knows when he’s been bested. Depending on how the PC’s play their interaction with him, he could be a potential ally. If Psamathos is threatened, he will try to flee first, relying on his various traps to neutralize his opponent. If cornered he will use his magic ruthlessly, but will surrender if things seem to be going badly.


  • When the party first approaches he head, the Bearded God speaks with a voice like cracking thunder. “HOLD MORTAL!!! Leave your sacrifice and come no closer, lest ye feel the wrath of the Bearded God!!!” 
  • Psamathos uses Auditory Illusion to throw his voice out into the clearing and amplify it to a terrible volume. If the party approached any closer, he will cast Chromatic Orb (using one of the many dangling gems from the observation deck) through the empty eye sockets of the statue. If this defence fails he will race upstairs to arm his traps and flee to the tunnels below.


  • His tactics include retreating to the Mud Pits and using his magic ring to levitate up the shaft to escape. If Psamathos is pressed, he use his magic and Wand of Illusions to thwart the PCs in any way he can. 
Illusionist, level 4, hp 11, AC 13
Spells: Auditory Illusion, Chromatic Orb, Blindness/ Deafness, Fascinate
Ring of Levitation
Ring of Protection +2
Wand of Illusions (10 charges)
Silver dagger


1st Level  

Studio Lounge

  • At the top of the head is a stone plug with a handle. The trapdoor is locked from within, but can be forced open with a Strength check.
  • The smell of incense is heavy in the small furnished room within. Woven rugs, tapestries, a small easel is set up with watercolor paintings. Paint, charcoal, jar of water. Paintings on the wall of rocky landscapes, figure drawings of a nude elf on the couch in a leather folder. 
  • Couch pushed against wall. Large golden birdcage on a pedestal. Potted ivy and orchids. Pipe in pipe stand with jar of leaf, jug of sweet wine (half drunk), two goblets, on a small table. Glass bulbs dangling from thin chain glow faintly.
  • Ladder leads down through porthole.

Frog Trap

  • A metal cage is bolted to a low stone pedestal. Inside the cage is a large iridescent stone frog (AC 16, hp 8). Out of its mouth streams a gout of sweet smelling smoke. Make a poison save or start hallucinating.
  • Characters who fail the save enter a fugue state where they believe they are turning into a frog-person. Characters suffer a -2 on attacks and saves, until effects resolve. The drug wears off in 1d6 turns.
  • The cage is locked, but can be broken open. On the underside of the frog is the word “Somnus”. If spoken, it croaks once and the smoke ceases. If the frog is broken, it explodes in a cloud of green smoke that looks like hundreds of hopping frogs.

2nd Level

Observation Deck

  • Heavy ladder leads down frm level 1 into this level, connecting to two wooden scaffold-like platforms before reaching the floor. The platforms are at the eyes and mouth of the dwarf head. Peepholes look out from here into the outside clearing.
  • At the “eye level”, a wooden stools sits next to a small mounted telescope. Variojs crystals and gems dangle from string catching the light (Psamathos uses these to cast Chromatic Orb). 
  • At the mouth level, another simple stool, with a jug of half drunk wine, and a half eaten wheel of cheese.
  • At the floor level, a sliding door is set into the wall opposite the platforms leading to the elevator trap.
  •  A swinging door in the floor leads down to level 3.

Elevator Trap

  • The sliding door from the observation deck leads to a small chamber the shape of a half cylinder bisected along its height. Inset into the wall near the door is a lever with a pulsing red glass ball on the end. A framed watercolor of two deer with the faces of women rubbing noses- is mounted next to the lever at about eye height.
  • If the lever is pulled, it locks into the “down” position. The sliding door locks and the far wall begins to slowly pivot. In two rounds, the pc’s will be swept into a 40’ chute dropping down to the Mud Pit below (4d6 falling damage, save for half).
  • The painting hides a panel. Within are three glass balls (with threaded sockets). Blue, green, purple, and an empty spot for the yellow ball (presently in the cabinet trap). If the red ball is replaced with the green, the lever can be moved back into the “up position”, the trap stops and resets. Purple, and Green do nothing.

3rd Level

Wizards Lab

  • Small bedchamber and study. Tapestries on walls. Rugs on floor.
  • A shelf with books (field guides to giants and giant kin, several hand-made field guides to plants, animals & fungus, Remedies: Magic & Mundane, Abjuration Theory & Practice) desk, with quill, ink bottles, parchment, reading lenses.
  • Painting of a sexy elf with bare breasts, wearing a mask of leaves holding a baby unicorn in her lap.
  • A pile of parchments with scrawled text common letters next to archaic dwarven letters. Book of ancient dwarf language (A Dozen Dead Dwarf Dialects) is open on desk.
  • Sliding door leads to adjacent workshop.


  • A work bench with vials of crystal powder. Wooden cubby attached to the wall. Clay pots filled with herbs and dried mushrooms, insects, bones, fingernail clippings, feathers, dehydrated snakes, birds, frogs (eat a frog and cure the frog-voice). Mortar & pestle, several clay jugs of different types of liquid (alcohol, olive oil, sea water, etc.). Pile of firewood. Inventory of regents, etc.
  • Small (hot) wood burning stove (black cylinder with swinging door- exhaust feeds into wall).
  • Ebony salamander cabinet (see below)
  • Trapdoor leads to a flight of to stairs leading down to the sublevel.

Cabinet Trap

  • Small ebony cabinet pushed against a wall. Black salamander statue with orange eyes (worn paint) and wide open mouth is mounted on top, hot to the touch. [Deactivate trap by pushing both eyes down] Two doors swing open. It is locked. Testing the doors without disarming the trap will cause the salamander to blast a tongue of flame (2d6 damage; save for ½) .
  • The chest contains a potion of healing, several pouches of gems and fragrant oil, a pouch of gold and silver, a yellow threaded ball that fits the lever (activates elevator), a translation of the monolith riddle in a scroll case & a backup spellbook.

Sublevel: Landing & Well

  • Stairs wind down 30’ to a landing. A circular well is cut here & fit with winch and rope. Barrels of water, and buckets are pushed up against the wall.
  • Roots dangle out of the earthen ceiling. A barrel filled with bent metal, broken weapons and scraps of armor.
  • Two passages split off. Smells of unwashed animal and urine- stronger to the left, tangy metallic smell to right.

Rust Chamber (to the right)

  • Wooden door, latched with a wooden peg. Small irregular stone chamber with piles of red dust scattered about. A small hole in the wall is the den of Psamathos’ pet Rust Monster. A small fissure in the ground on the far end of the Rust Monsters lair leads to the Mud Pit room.
  • A wider hole opens in the ceiling & leads up to ground level after about 30 feet A swarm of bats live in there and will attack anything that tries to descend or ascend that takes more than 1 round.

Food Storage/ Nursery (to the left)

  • Storage room, filled with stolen provisions.
  • As the PC’s approach they notice a total absence of sound. Hanging from the ceiling is a severed human ear, stuffed with wool, dipped in wax- the word “hush” is tattooed in tiny script hundreds of times upon it. It creates a 15’ zone of silence. Removing it from the string ends the effect. Reading all of the words while it dangles will recreate the effect.
  • Against the far wall is a 4’ x 4’ cage, covered with a tarp. Crouching inside of it is a juvenile Ettin- it has almost outgrown its cage. Its skin is gray and pebbly. It’s two faces porcine, shovel jawed, with small tusks.
  • If the silence is broken it starts to grunt and bellow and shake the cage as the PC’s approach. It will wail and point its fingers at it’s two mouths. If it is left unfed it will rage until it breaks out of its cage.
  • In the far corner of the room is a fissure in the floor, that tumbles 15 feet down to the Mud Pit area.


  • Mud filled chamber that wraps around the complex. 1' of sludge throughout.
  • A Carrion Crawler has been attracted to this chamber due to all of the shit and scraps being washed down the hole. 
  • This is where the PC’s will fall is they fail the elevator trap, if they climb down the guano hole in the alcove, or through the crevasse in the nursery.
  • There is a stone landing here where the elevator touches down if activated with the yellow knob.

Island and Monolith

  • A boulder rises out of the center of the muck. Upon it is a black obsidian monolith with a dwarf  riddle inscribed upon it.
  • If the riddle is solved, a hidden door slides backs revealing a tunnel and stairs leading down into the abyss below.

The Riddle:

Born in the grave, I am one yet two

I am small, yet golden towers rise at my passing.

Men cast me into the sea, but my filth feeds empires

(Answer: a worm)

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Limnus Vale: The Village of Poddle

This is entry sketches another adventure site in my Limnus Vale setting. It follows, and expands upon the previous Ruined Limnus Encounters and The Ruined City of Limnus posts. Written for old school D&D, but suitable for any edition, and easy to drop into any existing existing fantasy setting.


The halfling village of Poddle is built upon the rolling fields between the plateau of ruined Limnus to the north and the shadow of the Fangs to the south. To the east a tangle of woods and rocky foothills tumble to meet the the base of the treacherous Ashen Peaks. To the west, a small dirt pass meets the Traders Way which winds to the north and south.


The halflings of Poddle possess a rare genius of wool-craft, and their dyed yarn have become a high value item in Pul to the south. Cartloads of colorful bundles are shipped down the the trade roads and turn a healthy profit. Life in Poddle is busy, tidy and prosperous for the halflings. Up until recently, monster incursions have been few and far between, manageable by the sheriff and his deputies.

Poddle is exclusively populated by halflings. The village is a mixture of small family homes, farmhouses, quaint shops and merchant stalls. Most of the halflings live in spacious circular cottages of wood, stucco & thatch painted bright cheerful colors. Every halfling keeps personal gardens of flowers and vegetables. Families, labor in the fields and orchards. Corn, and wheat are staples, but also potatoes, cabbage, pumpkins and squash. Apples, pears and peaches are abundantly harvested from numerous groves of fruit trees. This bounty is sold at the the Poddle town market, but also traded south with Pul in the form of grain, cider, jams, pickles and other preserved goods.

Dress & Culture

Poddle halflings dress in colorful oversized embroidered wool sweaters tied with belts at the waist, and large and absurdly designed felt hats. The halflings are incredibly fecund. It is not uncommon for the average family to have anywhere between 6-12 children, all spaced closely together. All halflings are implicitly trusting, and painfully polite and gracious. Complaint or rudeness is considered a sign of ingratitude, and is avoided as a matter of deep cultural habituation.

Giant Long Hair Sheep

Poddle's prosperity is chiefly through their trade of soft wool, and dyed yarn shorn from their exotic giant long-haired sheep. At the edge of town, several long curvilinear barns are built to house the animals. Keeping and breeding these animals is a notoriously difficult task. The Giant Long-Hairs are of a singularly difficult disposition- prone to escape, and foul tempers. The secret of the halfling’s success at shepherding is their consummate skill at dog-training.

Shire Collies

Shire Collies are long used and trained by the halflings for generations out of memory. They have alert pointed ears, a soft mottled coats of rich chocolate brown, and a white belly and neck. They are extraordinarily intelligent, trained from pups to obey complex voice commands and whistle patterns. The dogs excel at herding and watching over the sheep, as well as being loyal companions to the various families. Rumor holds that some halflings can even speak the sharp barking language of the collies.

Problems in Poddle

Lord Grunewold arrived two years ago and began flexing his influence from the reclaimed watchtower known as Cloudspear Keep high in the Fangs to the south. His herald rode into Poddle one morning announcing “The Heir of Limnus has returned! He ushers a new an age of prosperity into these lands!” The halflings were prospering just fine before, but being polite, and trusting of authority, they agreed to this new Lord’s dominion.  Grunewold soon demanded a tax of wool profits, in exchange for his “protection”- protection that has amounts to little more than harassment at any sign of halfling curiosity toward the ruins of Limnus or Grunwold’s broader interests in the valley.

Produce Tax

At the beginning of spring, things got worse. Grunewold's soldiers began demanding cartloads of produce as a new monthly tax. Vegetables, apples, cider, beer, eggs, smoked meats, pickles--a full cart from every farm is now the Lord’s claim. His riders swoop in unexpectedly to make sure the carts are being filled regularly. As a result, the halflings have begun to live more frugally- donating food from their personal gardens and pantries, to offset this terrible price. Privately, they don’t understand why Grunewold is being so cruel- they hope he has a plan, and will someday soon make good on his promise of prosperity and protection.


Lord Grunewold’s co-conspiritor, the wizard Xasthur has begun an operation of clearing out the mines in the hills south of Limnus. This has disturbed the habitat of several monstrous vermin. Giant centipedes, spiders and beetles have been sent scuttling to the north in search of less hostile tunnels. Several of these creatures have begun lairing in the natural tunnels beneath Poddle. These vermin have begun digging to the surface to attack sheep. Worse still, two collies have died in defence of their charges.

Emergency Bells

Sheriff Finn and his deputies were on the scene at the last attack and managed to gravely injure a giant centipede before it scuttled away. But people are beginning to fear that the fields are becoming hostile, and that their sheep and dogs are no longer safe. Townsfolks have begun to hang ”emergency bells” near their homes and farms in the event of future attack. As a result most silverware and any spare metal objects have been melted down by the town blacksmith. The bells can be seen hanging from the eaves of homes and heard tinkling in the breeze.


The bugs will get more bold if left unchecked. Large burrows in the grazing fields can be followed back to the main tunnel complex. On any given day, there is a 1 in 6 chance of a random bug encounter. As the weeks pass, the chances increase by 1. Before long, the halflings will be forced to reckon with the issue. At first they will try to stop up the holes and set overnight watches. They may even succeed in killing a few, but soon the halflings themselves will start getting injured or killed. The most decisive thing to do is to go into the tunnels and destroy the insects at the source. There are active brood-nests within the tunnels and earthen chambers housing egg caches and larvae. If these nests can be destroyed, the insects will vacate the surrounding tunnels.

Lloyd’s Wall

In response to the recent threat, the village carpenter Lloyd and his three eldest sons have begun constructing a palisade of sharpened logs 8 feet tall around the village. It is an impossibly difficult task for the four of them, but they are determined that if they begin, others will join in. The other halflings think Lloyd is being eccentric and over-reacting. At the present time, the wall is barely 50 feet wide, but Lloyd spends his every waking hour working on it at the expense of other jobs. He is determined to keep his people safe.

Poddle Rumors and Plot Hooks

  1. Lord Grunevold’s has a daughter who wears a porcelain doll’s mask. She can be heard screaming high in the tower, sometimes all night long.
  2. A merchant stayed in Poddle a month ago, who said he was attacked in the night by a gang of skull faced demons. He lost his cart and all of his goods, and barely escaped with his life.
  3. There is a chasm filled with the bones of giants and treasure east of the Fangs. The giant’s skulls are filled with golden teeth.
  4. The Doom of Limnus came beause the miners dug too deep and angered a terrible power deep beneath the mountain.
  5. A red robed man and the Lord's knights has been seen riding up into Limnus every morning for the past week, sometimes they bring carts with them, and stay until dusk.
  6. Sometimes at night behind the orchards you can hear the sound of hammers echoing off the hills, like someone is digging in the distance.
  7. Before Limnus was destroyed by an earthquake, the miners found the bodies of ancient dwarves e deep in the mountains. The miners were trying to dig deeper to find out where they had come from when the whole mountain collapsed during the earthquake. The dwarves were buried in the Limnus graveyard.
  8. There is a lake on the rock shelf above the valley that feeds the stream that flows past Limnus. It is said that in the center of the lake is a stone island, and in the light of the moon a white spire can be seen reflected in the lake.
  9. During the Doom, some boulders broke free from the mountain side and floated right up into the air! There is a big one high in the hills north of the Fangs.
  10. The town herbalist will pay good money for the bloodberries that grow in Limnus. It's said they only grow in the places where people have died, and their blood has soaked into the ground.

Poddle NPC’s

  • Mayor-Bobbert
  • Sheriff -Finn
  • Deputy-Shiloh
  • Deputy- Sage
  • Town Carpenter- Lloyd
  • Matron- Lola
  • Herbalist- Marta
  • Blackmith- Janos

Poddle Random Tables


  1. Town drunk
  2. Dirty raucous children
  3. A blind old old man
  4. A group of giddy halfling girls in bright wool dresses
  5. A mother leading her troop of 3d6 children
  6. Farmer with his cart of produce
  7. Town deputy with a shiny badge
  8. Group of slow moving elderly halflings
  9. Flirty halfling ladies
  10. Strapping young halfling youth
  11. Village handyman
  12. An elderly matron


  1. Eating (1. pies, 2. pickles, 3. muffins, 4. roast chicken, 5. apples, 6.eggs, 7. mashed potatoes, 8. bowl of berries)
  2. passed out and snoring loudly
  3. Breaking into a wooden crate of full of produce
  4. Dancing wildly
  5. playing with puppies
  6. Arguing/ agitated (roll another “who”)
  7. Singing / playing an instrument
  8. Relieving themself publicly
  9. Kissing/ hugging (roll another “who”)
  10. Sobbing loudly
  11. Gossiping intensely (roll with “who” and about “who”)
  12. Wrestling a sheep


  1. In a pub
  2. In a house where they don’t belong
  3. In the middle of the street
  4. In a barn/ hayloft/ animal stall
  5. In a vegetable patch (1. Potato, 2. Cabbage, 3. Cucumbers, 4. Squash, 5. Corn, 6. tomatoes)
  6. In an orchard (1. Apple, 2. Peach, 3. Pear, 4. cherry )
  7. On a large tree branch
  8. On a rooftop
  9. In a hammock
  10. In a hallowed out pumpkin
  11. In a sinkhole
  12. In a sheep shearing stall


Presenting the "Metroplex" entry in my ongoing "Cyberpunk City Generator" series for Chromatic Shadows. Use the tables ...