Friday, April 28, 2023

Announcing the Release of CHROMATIC SHADOWS BASIC!

 I am VERY pleased to announce the release of CHROMATIC SHADOWS BASIC, Occult Cyberpunk Roleplaying. Download the PDF now for FREE from DriveThru RPG and!

CHROMATIC SHADOWS is an original weird cyberpunk tabletop roleplaying game. The Basic Rules contain everything you need to jump straight into a strange new world of cyberpunk action and occult intrigue!

It's been ten years since the Collapse. As the world's three largest megacorps burned down, a highly secretive Shadow War ground to an abrupt halt. Now hundreds of black sites have been left to rot out in the Sprawl. Powerful, hidden Occult Assets lie abandoned, and eldritch threats are breaking into reality. You’re a street operator driven by an occult obsession. What will you do in the face of these incursions? Hold the line for humanity? Or blow open the gates to the howling darkness? 

CHROMATIC SHADOWS BASIC RULES introduces an original near-future setting where classic cyberpunk gameplay meets themes of eldritch horror and high strangeness.

  • 94 pages, full color, artistic and easy to reference layout

  • Operator archetypes and character creation rules

  • Options for playing a fringe Neotribal character type

  • Strange Attractors and Occult Sympathies

  • Complete hacking and drone rigging rules

  • Expansive list of weapons, gear and cyberware

  • A roster of Sprawl NPCs and eldritch enemies to slot straight into your campaign

  • Sample Occult Assets with ready to use story hooks

What is the game like?

  • Classic cyberpunk play, emphasizing character driven narrative
  • A unique urban sandbox, a Sprawl haunted by strange factions, and occult artifacts
  • Fast & fluid d6 dicepool engine
  • Streamlined and intuitive mechanics
  • Deep character building & tactical options
  • Niche protected character archetypes
  • Unique, setting specific mechanics like Occult Milestones, Synchronicity, and Resonance
  • Pays homage to classic RPGs like Shadowrun, Vampire the Masquerade & Call of Cthulhu
  • Inspired by the writings of William Gibson, H.P. Lovecraft and Mark Fisher

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Chromatic Shadows Announcements and Beta Previews


Greetings operators! We are so close to the official release of Chromatic Shadows Basic, and I can't be more excited! 

Three important announcements.

First: I'm opening the Chromatic Shadows Discord server to new members. Please consider joining our small but growing community of playtesters and cyberpunk gamers. All members receive full access to the latest 90 page Chromatic Shadows Basic Rules beta. Jack in and let's talk about game design and playtesting!

Second: I'll be sending out the first email blast next week with the latest announcements and release schedule. Another way to preview the beta ahead of it's official release is to sign up to the official mailing list. Anyone on the list will also receive a copy of the latest beta as a "thank you" for your support. Please consider signing up if you haven't already!

Third: The CHROMATIC SHADOWS Basic Rules will be 100% FREE on DriveThru and Itch. That's a full color, fully playable 90+ page PDF to download and share! 

 Onward cyberpunks!



Presenting the "Metroplex" entry in my ongoing "Cyberpunk City Generator" series for Chromatic Shadows. Use the tables ...