Sunday, February 5, 2023

Two Critical Transmissions

Its been a busy few months decoding strange and cryptic data sets, but I am pleased to bring forth two important transmissions from the digital aether!

First, the Chromatic Shadows website has been redesigned and updated. Visit to see what's new. If you you are interested in this project, please consider enrolling in the mailing list, for important updates, release dates, and new project announcements. I promise to keep any email blasts to a necessary minimum.

Second, I am thrilled to announce the upcoming release of the CHROMATIC SHADOWS BASIC RULES to Drive-Thru RPG in April 2023.

This volume is essentially a very beefy "quick-start", intended to introduce players to the mechanics and overall feel of the game. Chromatic Basic contains most of the character creation and the player facing rules. It is a very playable, accessible, lightweight version of the final product, and should offer lots of opportunity for play until the much longer, CORE RULES are complete.



What can you expect in the BASIC RULES?

CHROMATIC SHADOWS BASIC RULES covers 92 pages of essential mechanics, so you can jump straight into the world of occult-cyberpunk action!

  • Full operator archetype and character creation rules.
  • Options for playing a fringe Neotribal character.
  • Strange Attractors and occult Sympathies.
  • Complete hacking and drone rigging rules.
  • Expansive list of weapons, gear and cyberware.
  • Sprawl NPCs and eldritch enemies to slot straight into your campaign.
  • Sample Occult Assets with ready to use story hook

What is the system like?

  • Classic cyberpunk play, emphasizing character driven narrative.
  • Fast & fluid d6 dicepool engine.
  • Streamlined and intuitive mechanics. Easy to adjudicate and make rulings on the fly.
  • Deep character building & tactical options.Rewards clever character design.
  • Niche protected character archetypes. Each Role does something special.
  • Unique, setting specific mechanics like Occult Milestones, Synchronicity, and Resonance.
  • Pays homage to classic RPGs like Shadowrun, Vampire the Masquerade & Call of Cthulhu.
  • Inspired by the writings of William Gibson, H.P. Lovecraft and Mark Fisher.



Presenting the "Metroplex" entry in my ongoing "Cyberpunk City Generator" series for Chromatic Shadows. Use the tables ...