Monday, March 9, 2020

Weird Cyberpunk Designer Drug Generator

Here's a random generator for weird cyberpunk designer drugs. Getting wasted in the Sprawl was never easier.


  • Roll Name 1 & Name 2
  • Roll a Delivery system
  • Roll Primary Effect
  • Roll Secondary Effect
  • Roll Side Effect

Name 1

  1. Purple
  2. Nano
  3. Ruby
  4. Acid
  5. Carbon
  6. Chrome
  7. Gravity
  8. Neon
  9. Rainbow
  10. Silk
  11. Space
  12. Star
  13. Hypno
  14. Astro
  15. Hyper
  16. Necro
  17. Hex
  18. Neo
  19. Synth
  20. Necro

Name 2

  1. Crush
  2. Halo
  3. Crash
  4. Cloud
  5. Cat
  6. Rose
  7. Worm
  8. Tongue
  9. Wave
  10. Snake
  11. Cram
  12. Dot
  13. Snow
  14. Wire
  15. Snatch
  16. Crystal
  17. Ghost
  18. Flake
  19. Glitter
  20. Probe

Delivery System

  1. Liquid vial
  2. Syrup squeeze
  3. Oil
  4. Powder
  5. Gel cap
  6. Pill
  7. Gelatin strip
  8. Dermal patch
  9. Glowing plant matter
  10. Vaping device
  11. Needle
  12. Cigarette
  13. Eyedrop
  14. Seed pod
  15. Inhaler
  16. Flowers
  17. Mushrooms
  18. Tea
  19. Suppository
  20. Dermal spray

 Primary Effect

  1. Euphoric
  2. Stimulant
  3. Psychedelic
  4. Depressant
  5. Mental acuity
  6. Neo-steroid
  7. Tranquilizer
  8. Intoxicant
  9. Opioid
  10. Confidence enhancement
  11. Out of body experience
  12. Telepathy
  13. Waking dreams
  14. Heightened empathy
  15. Heightened creativity
  16. Multiple personality
  17. Combat enhancer
  18. Synesthesia
  19. Enhanced hearing
  20. See in the dark

Secondary Effect

  1. Paralyzing
  2. Passive
  3. Asexual
  4. Disassociative
  5. Euphoric
  6. Manic laughter
  7. Time distortion
  8. Trance inducing
  9. Affectionate
  10. Antisocial
  11. Dysmorphia
  12. Loquacious
  13. Disorientation
  14. Animal growls
  15. Seizures
  16. Blurts obscenities
  17. Strips naked
  18. Babbles prophetically
  19. Dances wildly
  20. Painful sexual arousal

 Side Effects

  1. Flatulence
  2. Acne
  3. Oddly colored rash
  4. Eye dilation
  5. Discolored teeth
  6. Bloody nose
  7. Hair falls out
  8. Hair growth
  9. Body chemical smell
  10. Migraine
  11. Temporary blindness
  12. Phantom sense
  13. Constipation
  14. Loose bowels
  15. Voracious appetite
  16. Horny
  17. Loss of motor functions
  18. Breast growth
  19. Squeaky voice
  20. Incontinence

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Cyberpunk Contacts Random Generator

An NPC Contact Generator for use with Chromatic Shadows and other cyberpunk games. Randomly create character contacts, allies or any other interesting NPCs the characters might interact with.

  • Roll for Characteristics (Gender/ Appearance/ Disposition)
  • Roll 1d6 to determine NPC Faction
  • Roll on appropriate subtable(s) to determine Faction details.
  • Roll 1d20 to determine the Thing They Want
  • Roll 1d20 to determine The Thing They Are Hiding.


  1. Androgynous
  2. Female
  3. Male
Appearance (roll 3 times, re-roll any repeats). If two options, flip a coin.
  1. Bald/ exceptionally long hair
  2. Tattooed
  3. Conspicuous cyber enhancements
  4. Beauty enhancers
  5. Odd body modifications
  6. Exotic hair style/ color
  7. Exotic eyes (size/ color/ pupil shape, etc)
  8. Artificial skin coloration/ patterning
  9. Strange pet/ personal drone
  10. Absorbed in AR
  11. AR augmented appearance (cartoon eyes, animal face, etc)
  12. Eating food
  13. Carrying a large package
  14. Respiration device
  15. Smoking incessantly
  16. Custom surgical mask
  17. Abnormally tall or short
  18. Abnormally thin/ obese
  19. Strikingly beautiful/ ugly
  20. disheveled/ tidy
Disposition (Roll for primary & secondary disposition)
  1. Calm
  2. Angry
  3. Distracted
  4. Distrustful
  5. Sleepy
  6. Playful
  7. Sarcastic
  8. Cruel
  9. Impatient
  10. Generous
  11. Gentle
  12. Self-depricating
  13. Anxious
  14. Depressed
  15. Focused
  16. Judgmental
  17. Domineering
  18. Aloof
  19. Smug
  20. Horny

Faction List

  1. Megacorp
  2. Crime Syndicate
  3. Street Gang
  4. Security Force
  5. Private Sector
  6. Media
  1. Electronics/ Computers
  2. Matrix architecture
  3. Military/ Weapons
  4. Science/ Genetics Research
  5. Transportation/ Space/ Satellites/ Orbital Habitats
  6. Pharmaceuticals
  7. Cybernetics
  8. Automatic Manufacturing/ Distribution
  9. Drones/ Vehicles
  10. Neurotech
  11. Media
  12. AR Service Provider
Crime Syndicate
  1. Yakuza
  2. Mafia
  3. Triad
  4.  Seulpa Ring
Criminal Activities
  1. Protection Racket
  2. Drug Trafficking
  3. Human Trafficking
  4. Prostitution
  5. Theft
  6. Murder
  7. Black Market Electronics
  8. Organ Legging
  9. Weapons Dealing
  10. Kidnapping
  11. Illicit stims
  12. Extortion
  1. Private Security Firm
  2. Military
  3. Police
  4. Private Investigation Firm
  5. Intelligence Bureau
  6. Secret Ops
  7. Anti-terrorist officer
  8. Matrix security spider
Public Sector
  1. Desk bureaucrat
  2. Utility worker
  3. Social worker
  4. Highways and roads
  5. Emergency Responder
  6. Ranking government official
  7. Disease Control agent
  8. Environmental agent
  9. Doctor/ nurse/ paramedic
  10.  Vermin control
Private Sector
  1. Club/ Restaurant/ Bar
  2. Charity Organization
  3. Religious Organization
  4. Real Estate Development
  5. Museums/ Galleries/ Fashion/ Arts
  6. Retail Business
  7. Policlub
  8. Sex worker
  9. Tech Industy
  10. Banks/ Finance
  1. Sim Stim Celebrity
  2. News Anchor
  3. Matrix Influencer
  4. Musician
  5. Sports Star
  6. Stim pornography
  7. Journalist
  8. Artist
Things People Want
  1. To advance their position/ upward mobility
  2. Wealth/ Power
  3. Creative recognition
  4. To get out of a relationship
  5. Revenge
  6. To make things the way they were
  7. Sex/ Love/ Romance
  8. A cure for a disease
  9. To help someone in need
  10. To be beautiful
  11. To be admired
  12. To get out of the spotlight
  13. To scrub the record
  14. To make the system pay
  15. To change careers
  16. A baby or child
  17. Reunited with family/ children/ spouse
  18. To set the record straight
  19. To get out of a sticky situation
  20. To find out something about their past
Things People Want to Hide
  1. History of violence/ murder/ abuse
  2. A terrible disease
  3. A disability/ deformity/ injury
  4. Lying about identity
  5. Drug addiction
  6. gender/ sexuality/ race
  7. Criminal past
  8. Responsible for the death of a spouse/ child/ innocent
  9. Fallen from grace
  10. Harmed someone through gross incompetence/ negligence
  11. Served jail time
  12. Ratted out friends/ allies for a break
  13. War crimes
  14. Indulges in petty crime for kicks
  15. Sexual indulgences/ fetishes
  16. Extremist views
  17. Complicit in a major crime
  18. Being leveraged/ extorted/ threatened
  19. Actively threatening/ extorting/ leveraging another
  20. Harming someone to help another

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Whistlemaker's Curse

This is a tiny adventure set in Sigil. I can see it as a fun side mission, or an introductory scenario for games set in Sigil/ Planescape.

  • PCs are hired by a desperate instrument maker named Vancel to find the antidote for an affliction that is consuming him. He has very little time and is desperate for help. He will pay any price including giving his whole business to the PCs.
  • He explains his predicament. Weeks ago, a wizard by the name of Alume came to Vancel’s shop suddenly and demanded him to make a series of 7 masterwork bone whistles immediately. Vancel said that he had a backlog of work and the wizard will have to wait the usual time for such a request. Alume then presented a bottle of Arcadian Goldberry Wine, and says “maybe this will improve my chances”. Vancel says “absolutely not” and takes the wine anyway. He quaffed the whole bottle that night. It was delicious.
  • Alume had planted a kernal of powerful intestinal fungus within the bottle. The next day, he returned and explained the situation. The fungus would grow and eventually kill him unless he complied. Alume said Vancel had one week to make the whistles and then he will provide the antidote. Vancel was terrified, and made the whistles as requested, but 3 weeks have passed, and the wizard has not come.
  • The curse, however, has bloomed in Vancel’s guts. He keeps himself alive by playing violin to it all day long- the only thing that slows its growth. His tongue is bright blue, as well as his fingernails. He’s desperate to find the wizard and get the antidote. Doesn’t have the strength to keep playing. Vancel’s assistant, a boy named Welby takes turns playing when Vancel must rest.
  • Vancel gives the PCs the whistles and tells them to hurry and find Alume. He remembers the man smelling like strong and overpowering curry that made his eyes water. The smell didn’t leave the store for hours after.
  • The merchant square at the edge of the district has many exotic food tents. One of which boasts the strongest curry in Sigil. The chef remembers an eccentric old man who would buy a large box of their strongest cardamom goat several times a day. “He was my best customer! Bought enough food to feed a family. Stopped coming about a week ago.”
  • Not far from there, Alume has been secretly breaking into the basement of a merchant family's town house. There is a portal within the fireplace there. Alum has written GABADAFACE in chalk upon the mantle. Unfortunately the family discovered his intrusions, and he ruthlessly killed them all in their sleep.
  • Within the basement, Alume has set up a workshop of sorts, where he has a journal and some of his personal equipment. The journal speaks of “finding the portal to Arborea, near the river Hylax where the ghost lotus grows- the only known cure to my advancing condition. I must work fast and ruthlessly if I am to survive. The Blue Gigantia consumes me by the hour. Ingesting copious amounts of spice seems to have a beneficial effect.” His spell book is there as well as a few simple items.
  • The wizard has become a Fungal Walker, and the dead family are 3 Fungus Zombies. In the basement, Alume's chair is thick with waxy blue fronds. Threads of mycelium stretch to the ceiling, where a man shaped patch of rubbery fungus grows thickly. It will drop to the floor and animate in a vague humanoid shape if disturbed. It possesses dim intelligence and flashing memories of its former self. 
  • Threads of blue fungus spread up the stairs leading to the 2nd floor bedrooms, and down the steps leading to the basement. The ground floor is mostly clear of fungi. The family is lying in their beds encased in a web of blue threads and rampant caps. If touched, they sit up and attack. Disturbing or otherwise physically striking the Fungal Walker or the Fungus Zombies releases a cloud of spores in a 5' area. Breathing the spores or taking damage from the walkers exposes the PCs to possible infection.
  • If the whistles are played in the melodic sequence inscribed above the fireplace (GABADAFACE ), the portal key is triggered, and a glowing portal opens. The portal leads to Arborea and into a small cave opening midway up the height of a 200 foot waterfall. Cliffs rise up on all sides. A narrow stone path leads down. The falls plunges into a clear basin of fresh water. Growing out in its center are large white flowers. Approaching within 30’ of the Ghost Lotus, triggers its defensive ability to cast “minor illusion” at will. If the flower is plucked, the illusions vanish. If the flower is eaten, the fungal condition is instantly cured, but the blue staining persists for another 1d6 weeks.

ASE Sketches: Protoceratops Pit Fights & Catfish Cults

Some location/ encounter sketches for Anomalous Subsurface Environment/ Land of 1000 Towers.

Protoceratops Pit Fights
The lazy sorghum farmers of Chelmfordshire have all but abandoned agriculture in favor of protoceratops pit fights. The biggest barn in town has been outfitted with balconies overlooking a dirt pit, hemmed in with thick caging. Gauchos from the Certopsian Plains bring in their most aggressive bull protos to fight against various popular teams of hillbilly shire wrestlers. The wrestlers aren't terribly athletic, but can win a match by holding a dino down for the count or beating it unconscious. The dinos on the other hand, trample, maim and crush the wrestlers more often than not. Usually 4 or 5 matches a night. The farmer's prettiest daughters sell potent sorghum beer to the raucous crowd.

Plot Idea
The Denethix based fight club SPIRAL FRACTURE has caught on to the popularity of these hillbilly dinosaur fights, and has decided to take a closer look to see if they want to invest.  The owner Gus Lights, his sultry wife Blanche la Blanche, and the retired champ Rex Balls are in attendence.  They have brought their masked champion Johnny Karate to battle the dreaded Black Bull. The gauchos are fixing the fight though- even if they don’t know the extent of their involvement. An anonymous person gave them a large pink pill to give to Bull “2 hours before the fight”, for a guaranteed victory. The stranger is an agent for Spiral Fracture's arch rival, the fight club CONCUSSION INC. Secretly, Rex is having an ongoing affair with Blanche. The two of them are conspiring behind Gus' back to take out Karate. After getting a payout from Concussion Inc., they both plan on leaving him.

Black Bull staggers out of the cage, barely able to stand. Its breath is ragged, eyes bloody, and mouth oozing pink foam. It collapses after a few wobbly steps, seconds later its abdomen begins to bubble and fizz- a caustic wound opens up and a glistening pink substance begins to leak out.and coalesce into a long snake-like tentacle. It lashes at Karate. Karate can’t easily escape because the exit door is jammed. Unless prevented, the ooze will dissolve him and slither through the cage attacking the crowd at random. With every victim it killed, it grows in size and gains an additional 1d6 hit points.

Raided Farm & Indutrial Ruins
There is a raided sorghum farm to the north of town. The house is ransacked, farm animals killed and the humans gone. Spattering of blood here and there. Three toed tracks lead out through the sorghum fields to an area of ancient ruins.

North west of Chelmfordshire en route to Mt. Rendon, the merchant road passes through miles of ancient industrial ruins. The shells of dozens of massive concrete buildings, their steel girders twisted and poking out from collapsed piles of rubble, spread out in either direction. Some of the intact walls stand 30 to 50 feet in height, but are only fragments of shattered buildings. Piles of twisted metal, and coils of rusted and fused wire. Sink holes collapse into the earth, revealing flooded sublevels and dangerous catacombs.

There is one building, seemingly more intact than the others- the walls are mostly intact, reinforced with steel mesh and permacrete. It is a goblin egg-hive. A dozen egg sacks are fused to the walls, incubating and poking up beneath piles of dung and soil. Six goblins defend this ruin, all armed with bent short swords.

Giant Catfish Lake
At center of this industrial wreck lies a lake, some 300 feet across. Oil and slime glisten upon it’s still waters. Around the lake’s edge are dozens of crude fetishes made by the goblins. Animal skulls mounted on sharpened sticks with bones clacking in the wind. A few hastily made rafts are pulled up onto shore, the goblins tie their victims onto these and push them out into the lake to feed their master. A gargantuan catfish makes its home within the lake’s toxic depths. It has reached prodigous size and ferocity- attacking and devouring anything that might accidentally make its way into the waters.

A tribe of goblins has sworn obedience to the catfish and worship it like a god. They started sacrificing animals to it, and this satisfied it for a time- but its hunger grew. Using crude telepathy, it demanded manflesh from the goblins. Now the goblins have begun to abduct people to feed to their terrible, hungry, fishy overlord.


Presenting the "Fortress Estates", the latest entry in my ongoing "sprawl zone generator" series for Chromatic Shadows. ...